Friday, May 27, 2011


TBS is located at BTS. You might get a "har?" coming first into your mind. Haha. Actually what I'm trying to say here is Terminal Bus Selatan (TBS) is located at Bandar Tasik Selatan (BTS). Hehe. Even though the true name of this bus terminal is called TBS, but among my friends, most of them are still used to call it as BTS. Well, anyway, this is not the main point I want to write in this post haha.

21 May 2010 (Saturday), the day after my last examination paper of my third year in MMU, I chose to take bus to go back to BP for my only week of holidays as I will be heading to Penang for my internship that lasts for 4 months >.<. The reason why I didn't drive to Cyber this time, you should know if you have read my previous post haha. Well, I have been to TBS for several times, but I didn't have a chance or time to really look around this "brand new" bus terminal haha. This time, I needed to wait around 30 mins only then I could get onto the bus. Therefore, I had taken this great opportunity to look around TBS. Wow ~ there're actually quite lots of shops and restaurants available in there already, let's take a look at my snapshots :D.

Overall View of TBS, the general ticket counters, well I've not bought a ticket from these counters yet.

Notice Board, very comprehensive bus information, however, it is updated too fast lols
KKKL, this is where i usually buy the ticket back to BP :D

Customer Service Center
Several Restaurants at the second floor

Plenty of seats ~ still quite empty 

Kenny Roger Roasters
Pak Hailam Kopitiam
TBS Food Court
KFC !! lols located at quite behind at second floor
Baker's Cottage ~ I like the cakes and breads here

Basically, the variety of shops in TBS is quite satisfactory to me now. However, there're many more empty shop lots in it yet, I hope that TBS management can recruit some more restaurants or entertainments into TBS. Wait to see new improvement :D ~!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Earn Money while viewing ads? haha ~ try Novabus :D

Well, recently I was introduced to Novabus by my friend. It was similar to some other online earning website, you can earn money through ads, however, you just need to view the ads and you can earn money! lols ~ so easy? haha ... Well, since it does not require me to make any advanced payment first, it's not a loss to have try right? hehe ~ you guys can try on it too! :D

Novabus --> the link :D

Let's try together to determine its reliability hehe ~ :D.

Monday, May 16, 2011



痛啊~~!!>.< 我竟然被我家养的狗咬了一口,呜呜。哈哈~看我还笑得出,就知道没多严重咯。虽然没多严重,可是我的确有点被吓倒。因为,一直以来,“小黑”都还蛮听我的话的说。以往,若它对路人乱吼乱叫,我只要把手放在它头上,它就会静静地坐下来了。





Wednesday, May 11, 2011

[Internship]: A thick log book!

 I just collected my log book this morning. This log book is aimed for me to record daily activities during my internship. But ... it is so thick?! See my photos below ~

 Woohoo ... I got a lot of "essays" to write during the internship lo ~ haha. Maybe I should treat it like writing a diary hehe. Compared to log book, the training report will be harder to do as it has many formats and structure to follow, but log book is just like writing a story haha. Well, other than writing the log book, I think I will blog quite frequently about my life during internship ~ as one chapter in Carls' stories, hehe. Stay tune for it! 

Final Year

   It has been so long since the first day i entered into MMU Cyberjaya. 3 years has passed. Even though I complained a lot about the life over here, including the food, entertainment and daily activities, but I am still able to live here for 3 years long. Haha.

   This trimester is my last trimester of my 3rd year life in University and i will be going to have my internship in Motorola, Penang starting from 30 May. This internship lasts for 4 months. Frankly, Penang is still quite new to me and I not well-prepared yet. I think I need at least one week times to adapt myself to the life there >.<. The situation is like the first day i came to Cyberjaya that i gonna start to adapt everything all over again. Within these 4 months time, i can hardly get back to my hometown, Batu Pahat, I just hope that my family in BP will stay in the best condition =D. Certainly, I have to fight against the homesick feeling also, hehe.

    Expectation of work in Motorola Penang? Well, I really hope that I won't get bored of the job "so fast" since I am a person who's easily get bored. Other than that, it's certainly that I expect to get more working experience and on-hands practical experience from this internship because what I have learnt in the campus is limited to theory, theory and .... theory only! lols ~ The projects that I have been gone through are really countable by my 10 fingers -.- ~ not even talking about the level of standard yet haha.

   Motorola Penang has 3 main buildings, which are Technoplex, Cyberplex and CSC. As informed by my internship's person-in-charge, I will be assigned to CSC for software department. I have another two close U-mates who will have internship in Motorola Penang as well, they are Alan and Soong Khim. However, they are most probably assigned to work in Technoplex based on their job scope. Aiyaya, I still thought that I can have companion while working in there >.< ~  Even though CSC and Technoplex are just located opposite to each other, it will be hard for me to meet them during working hours. Haha, am I sound like a person who dislikes loneliness very much ~ yeah ~ I am haha.

   I have just finished my first examination around 17 hours ago ~ Engineering and Society in which I feel very unworthy to sacrifice my sleeping time to memorize bunch of stuffs, but the questions are mostly opinion-based. I hope I won't have to take this kind of subject anymore. My second and also last paper is 9 days away from today, so there's still no nervousness that boosts me to study haha. In fact, I will get back to BP for few days and then only come back to sit for paper again.

  Recently, the weather is super hot !!! My house is like an oven!! The surrounding temperature is about 33 to 35 degrees of celcius even at night >.<. I just hope that rain will come a.s.a.p. My real feeling to the temperature is like the melted car ~ haha. As what i read from the news, this unusual hot weather is caused by the tropical storm blown from Filipina to Malaysia. Storm, please leave Malaysia faster!

  That's all about my current life ~ hope something good would happen in no time! I want to buy SE Xperia Arc! Haha ~