Sunday, May 31, 2009

Temporary Lonely Feeling

23/06/08 Monday

It's kinda boring to stay in cyberjaya. Every day after class sections, there's nothing for me to do anymore. Tonight's the first time i can log into my MSN to chit-chat with all my crappers ( XD ~ although we keep talking nonsense to each other, but it's still a very nice method to get rid of boredom~~ =D). Haha, cos i steal, better word i should use is " borrow" my housemate's line, XD. Our house still don't have the common internet connection yet, only some of the housemates have it, then i cant stand of the boredom, then .... hahaha. This friday, i gonna go back to hometown le, very looking forward to it, cos i gonna have the last gathering with all my old friends before they enter their University. I must take lots of photos with them!!! Of course, i miss home-made food oso!!! Friday ~~!!! Please come to me as fast as you can!!! Haiss, i still have lots of things to study ... siann ... stop here first ... to be continued.....

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